Thursday, October 2, 2014

MALAYSIA : best countries in the world ^.^

Malaysia is the best country. Why I said like that? I think Malaysia is the best country because of the culture, the environment, and also the good people will easily to help you when you need a help. To foreigner, please visit Malaysia before you start think something about Malaysia.

Malaysia is the best ever place to live a life. People with full of respect, hospitality, smiley, and so on. Cool mother nature as its climate of warm n rainy all year long. Varieties of foods from all kind of races. 

Malaysia is the best simply because Malaysia is "Truly Asia". Diversities is second to non where people from so many ethnics can live peacefully and harmony. Petronas Twin Towers and Bukit Bintang are the two place you can't miss. Come and experience it yourself and you will understand what I mean.

The beautiful country and the warm heart people only can find it in Malaysia. They are special, lovely and supportive to each other. The lovely weather which has no any nature disaster. Sunshine through all the year and with tropical weather who always bring the happiness and smile.

Malaysia truly Asia not complement my country but it's true and the GPI index also being really great and realistic and our country make the best role model for other country. Difference race were life harmony under one roof and 3 major races in the world also being Malaysian; Malays, Chinese and Indian.
1 Malaysia...!

I love Malaysia and proud to be Malaysian. Beautiful and peaceful. We have many races and religions yet we live peacefully as a nation. No earthquakes or tsunami. Best variety of food in the world! Best shopping! Best beaches and mountains. I love the cities too.

Malaysia even under development but the government still kept the natural rain forest and the surrounding ecosystems. I love how the skies are so blue and the trees are so green and the sun shines every single day. Malaysia is surprisingly beautiful. We have beautiful crystal clear island and one of the top diving sites. I love Malaysia because it is simply amazing and there are no other words to describe the feeling you have when you're there.

i am Nabila,
i'm proud to be Malaysian ... ('',) ...

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